Whatever you want it to be but i like it to be a funky jazz blues fusion topped with a shiny red cherry.
I'm very very confused right now and I have no idea why. I think perhaps this thing with my mother threw me right off track or something but that obviously isn't the sole reason I feel so down right now. It's really late at night or early in the morning right now, I can't even focus on the clock to tell you which. I couldn't sleep after my new work so decided just to come and write on here. My other work starts in a few hours. Dang. I think I've just got the blues because it's at that time of night where you feel most alone. everybody else asleep and you not. Is there an actual word for this time of night apart from morning? I mean there's, noon, twilight, midnight, morning....many others but what is the word for around 2am-4.30am?

Got a letter from my pen friend in Italy. She does so much in her life, it's unreal. She goes to concerts pretty much every weekend, has always had some sort of accident on her moped, has always met somebody new, it all sounds so very very exciting and exotic. The way life oughta be. Instead I get girl up at around 4am eating reece's pieces and typing her non-existant life away on computer. Fantastic. When Ryan and I went to Italy (a few years back, how I met Lucia, my pen pal), the one thing I remember most was how al the trees looked like different vegetables. Like some where like broccoli, all wild and insane, and others like carrots. It was pretty spunky.

Oh, I forgot to say! There is one good piece of news for me, and I really have no reason to be down for this one amazing piece of news- I'm going down to Florida next week! That was Ryan's little surprise trip for me! He'd already asked the people at work for the week off for me and they said that was cool. That's how I found out because they accidentally slipped up when making up the shifts and Andy told me I had the week off. He then just explained why. He could have made something up, oh we thought you deserved a week off, you know, anything but nah, he couldn't be inventive, so I came home and asked Ry and he said we were going to FLA! Even better is how the lovely Peter shall be joining us and I think Frank is gonna come for a few days but he's got to come back, for some reason or other. Isn't that cool? We're going to St Pete's Beach to just chill out. I don't want to party if I'm honest, just soak up some sun and be mildly happy and content. It's gonna be good. I'm hoping this little break can be just what I need to make me feel better because I got the blues

on May 27, 2004
Ah St Pete's..paradise? N'est pas? Dyl xxx